So you just finished a project that you actually liked working on and it’s finally time for you to send the bill to the client. This may just be one of the most anticipated parts of finishing a project but instead of just dashing off some numbers on a piece of paper, have you ever given any thought to putting some more work into your invoice?
The Invoice Speaks Volumes
For the most part, the invoice is really just something that makes the billing official and it is something that ensures you get paid for the job that you just finished but there really is no reason for it to be boring. After all, that invoice is just another way you deliver your service to your client and it can do wonders for your “branding”.
It isn’t really standard practice to come up with gorgeous invoice designs but it should be. After all, when you work really hard on a project to impress the client, you might as well carry it through to the very end, right? You may never have thought of coming up with a killer invoice design before, but take a look at some of the invoice designs featured below. What makes them stand out isn’t just the fact that they have colors and the like, but it is the designs they come with. Check out the ones that look like standard air mail envelopes and the ones with a the retro flavor which really draws the eye. Then you have the ones that have a more streamlined, contemporary design.
Express Yourself Invoice-Style
If your invoice design is getting you down yet you cannot find a way to design an invoice that properly expresses your brand, then take your time and look at the gorgeous designs below. Your invoice design doesn’t have to look exactly like them but you can use them as a guide towards designing your own. Your clients will love how you took the time and made an effort to prettify your invoice design. When done properly, like the ones shown below, your invoice can become an effective part of your marketing strategy.